Setting up a Call

1. Click Add Input in vMix then select the Video Call tab:

Host a Call: Select this button to host a new call for a remote guest (default)

Connect to Call: Connect to an existing call on another vMix PC.

Password: This is an automatically generated number that can be used to identify the call and allow the remote guest to connect.

Return Feed (To Guest): The following settings control what the guest sees and hears on their end.

Video Source: Select either Output 1, Output 2-4 (4K and Pro editions only) or None as the return video feed the remote guest will see

If None is selected, no audio or video will be sent to the remote guest, this is useful for situations where you need a remote feed only and don't expect to interact
with the caller.

NOTE: None is a special mode that can only be selected when first adding the input. It will have no effect when selected via the menu afterwards.

Video Bandwidth: Select the video quality and bandwidth of the return video. 
NOTE: This setting is the same for all guests and cannot be configured independently.

Audio Source: Select the audio mix to send back as the audio the guest will hear.

Note that regardless of the setting selected, Auto Mix Minus will be applied so that the guest will never hear themselves back again as an echo.

Selecting Master here is usually recommended as using Bus A to G to apply a Mix Minus is not necessary.

Allow only direct peer to peer connections: Sometimes due to firewall and network restrictions a call may go via one of the vMix servers which may not be desirable due to increased latency and lower video quality.
Tick this box to force peer to peer connections only when establishing a call. If the call does not connect all when this is ticked, a firewall will be blocking UDP traffic on either side.

Show Advanced Options: These options should only be selected when diagnosing call issues as directed to by the vMix support team.

2. Click OK to add this call as an Input in vMix

3. Direct your guest to visit using any Google Chrome or Firefox browser with a Webcam and Microphone connected.
The guest should type in any Name to identify themselves and the generated Password and then click Join Call

4. After a brief connection process you should see the remote guests video and audio

5. To end the call, the guest can click the red phone icon from their toolbar.

The input can also be closed in vMix, however it is possible to reuse the Password for subsequent calls in the future.

6. To add additional guests, repeat these steps as many times as needed.